Digital Electronics


Be cautious what you state when you are shown a industrial product that you believe you might make yourself, you may discover yourself having to make great on your promise.

When he was shown a crowdfunded alarm clock coffee maker, [Fabien-Chouteau] said “just provide me an espresso maker as well as I can do the same”. A Nespresso capsule coffee maker appropriately appeared on his bench, so it was time to make great on the promise.

The operation of a Nespresso maker is basic enough, there is a huge lever on the front that opens the capsule slot as well as enables a spent capsule to decrease into a hopper. decrease in a new capsule, pull the lever down to tons it into the mechanism, then press one of the buttons to tell it to prime itself. After a minute you can them press either of the big cup or the little cup buttons, as well as your coffee will be delivered.

To automate this with an alarm clock there is no necessity to operate the lever, it’s risk-free to leave packing a capsule to the user. as a result all the clock has to do is activate the process by operating the buttons. A quick investigation with a multimeter on the button PCB discovered that the voltage present was 15 V, well above the logic level of the STM32F469 board slated for the clock. therefore a basic circuit was devised utilizing a MOSFET to  do the switching.

Finally, the clock software application was produced for the STM32F469. The chip’s 2D graphics acceleration hardware as well as the advancement board’s high high quality screen produce a extremely slick interface indeed.

You can see the resulting clock in the video below the break. It’s an alarm clock coffeemaker we’d be pleased to have next to our beds, however there’s one minor worry. On a mains-powered gadget like the Nespresso the low voltage rails are not always mains-isolated, as well as it’s not remove whether or not this is the case. perhaps we’d have incorporated an opto-isolator, just in case.

Nespresso machines have featured right here before a few times, from this circumvention of their frustrating safety screws, to a helpful tool for determining which of the colour-coded however annoyingly unlabeled capsules you have before you.

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