
E-INK display DRIVEN diy

E-ink displays are awesome. Humans spent centuries reading non-backlit devices, and frankly it’s a lot much easier on the eyes. but have you looked into driving one of these critters yourself? It’s a nightmare. So chapeau! to [Julien] for his FPGA-based implementation that not only uses our favorite open-source FPGA toolchain, and serves as an open reference implementation for any individual else who’s interested.

Getting just black and white on an E-ink display is relatively easy — just hit the ink pixels with the same signal over and over until they give up. Greyscale is made by applying much a lot more nuanced voltages because the pixels are somewhat state-dependent. If the desired endpoint is a 50% grey, for instance, you’d hit it with a different pulse train if the pixel were now white versus if it were now black. (Ever notice that your e-book screen periodically does a white-black flash? It’s resetting all the pixels to a known state.) and that’s not even taking into account the hassles with the various crazy voltages that E-ink displays require, which [Julien] sensibly handed off to a dedicated chip.

In the end, the device has to make 20-50 passes through the screen for one user-visible refresh. [Julien] found that the normal microcontrollers just weren’t capable of the speed that he wanted, for this reason the FPGA and custom-made waveform tables. We’ve seen E-ink hacks before, and [Julien] is standing on the shoulders of giants, a lot of notably those of [Petteri Aimonen] and [Sprite_tm]. [Julien]’s hack has the fastest updates we’ve ever seen.

We still can’t wait for the day that there is a general-purpose E-ink motorist chip out there for pennies, because nearly every project we make with a backlit display would look better, and chew through the batteries slower, with E-ink. In the meantime, [Julien]’s FPGA implementation is pretty close, and it’s fully open.

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