
REVERSE engineering A candle FLICKER LED

candle flicker LEDs are a one part replacement for a genuine candle. They consist of both a yellow LED as well as a manage chip that modulates the light to produce a candle effect. [Cpldcpu] took a deep look into reverse engineering one of these LEDs.

To examine the circuit, which is potted into the LED itself, a shunt sense resistor was linked to the LED. By connecting this resistor to a logic analyzer, the manage signal might be observed.

This manage signal appeared like pulse width modulation, with some randomness to the task cycle. [Cpldcpu] figured out that a linear comments shift register was a lot of likely utilized to produce a pseudeorandom bitstream, as well as some shaping was used to make the LED look a lot more like a genuine candle.

It turns out a blinking LED can be rather complex, as well as this takes a deep look into it by analyzing the signal. [Cpldcpu] took the lessons discovered as well as composed an implementation of the algorithm for AVR.

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